Noise can be irritating, if it is loud and prolonged then it could damage hearing, temporarily or permanent at times. It is not always possible to control the disturbing element; so it is better to find alternatives to protect from the loud noise. Hearing protectors are designed to reduce amount of sound reaching the year to a safe level. The two types of ear protectors are
- Ear plugs: There are few varieties of them like disposable or reusable plugs. If you want, you can order for custom ear plugs in Melbourne, which could be tailor made according to your requirement. The custom made plugs made of silicon would be on the expensive side, so most of them would be re-usable type.
- Generally the ready to use plugs are made up of wax, silicone or foam. Disposable varieties are made up of wax, while silicone and foam is used to make reusable ones. These plugs are to be inserted into ear canals to stop noise from causing problems. They can be used only for a short duration like an hour.
- Ear defenders: They are hard cups fitted with cushions connected by a head band. They contain liquid or plastic foam that reduces noise but allows hearing normal conversation.