Are you having trouble to hear people talking to you, especially while you are in a crowded room or other such places? Then, probably you need a hearing test. Hearing loss is a gradual process and sometime individuals do not even realize that, making it essential to have their ears checked by a professional. It helps you to know the cause of the problem and thus you can get the right treatment.
Why people lose their hearing
· Loud noises around
· Use power tools that produce continuous noise
· Shooting guns
· Listening loud music
· Ear infection
· Take certain drugs
· Genetically inherited
Hearing test
While assessing your hearing, you may be asked to wear earphone for listening short tones at various pitches and volumes. The result will determine whether you are able to hear high or low-pitched sounds and which ear is having the hearing loss.
Some test involves listening to speech at various volumes and repeating the words. This sort of test is conducted in both a quiet and noisy room, as many individuals faces problem of hearing when there is a background noise.
The result
The result determines whether you have any problem with hearing or not, if yes then whether it is in one ear or both and it also tells the intensity.
Are you looking for Hearing assessment for employees in Melbourne? Read the followings carefully.
The unit of sound is decibel. The measurement of whispering is 30 decibel, normal speech 60 decibel and shouting is about 80 decibels. Breaking down hearing loss below:
· Mild loss of hearing- 26 to 40 decibels
· Moderate loss- 41 to 55 decibels
· Severe loss- 71 to 90 decibels
· Profound loss- 91 to 100 decibels
Hearing loss can’t be restored, but you can protect what you still have, making it important to visit hearing clinic in Melbourne and consult with an experienced doctor without further delay.