Friday, 23 April 2021

Why are Commercial Enterprises Today Conducting Audiology Test?

Reputed commercial organisations today conduct audiology test for their employees, in an attempt of taking care of the health and well-being of people working for them. Health professionals opine workers commonly require Personal Hearing Protection (PHP) when occupational noise hazards exceed the exposure standard recommended in authorised health and safety statutory requirements.

Why Conduct Audiometric Testing?

Organisational workers are often advised to participate in hearing loss test to minimise the risk of hearing loss. These tests also ensure the functionality of hearing protection solutions. Such tests are recommended once biannually, depending on the local occupational safety jurisdictional requirements.

In audiometric testing, equipment called, the audiometer is used to determine the workers’ hearing levels. It is a simple technique that requires the concerned worker to receive a series of varying tones. For each tone, the patient needs to respond to demonstrate that they can hear the tone.

The concerned tones are essentially presented at various sound levels. The same is checked multiple times to identify the lowest level at which a person can hear. This point is known as the ‘threshold limit’ and is often compared with the ‘baseline test’. The performance is usually carried out for various frequencies, and both the ears. Thus, the doctor can effectively monitor the sharpness and acuity of an employee’s hearing over time.

The audiometric testing deters –

a)Progressive noise-induced hearing loss before it becomes an impairment

b)Temporary loss before it becomes permanent, thereby providing time to take remedial steps.

Benefits of Audiometric Testing

Routine scheduling of audiometric testing often identifies people who run the risks of significant hearing loss. Professionals recognise the changes in the patients’ hearing threshold over time. Thereafter, the employer can implement adequate treatment plans, such as reducing noise in particular regions, offering premium quality hearing protection and ensuring that the employee uses hearing protection correctly. The examination also helps determine the need for diagnosis of potential medical issues, other than workplace hearing loss, and that might affect the hearing ability of the individual.

Hear loss can affect anyone with age. One of the best ways of hearing loss is audiometric tests.

Friday, 9 April 2021

How Hearing Loss Test Benefit People in Socialising with the World?

Every organ is necessary to lead a comfortable life; the sensory organs perform stimulus and reflex action. A person should visit an ENT specialist to have a hearing loss test. A person can witness the error in the absorption of sound due to ageing, heredity, medication, illness or continuous exposure to loud sounds. People will get the root cause of ailment after visiting an expert. The reason can be as minor as the accumulation of wax and as significant as a hole in eardrums.

Many hospitals owned by the government and clinics offer a free hearing test in Melbourne. People should visit these places to detect the cause of the error and have an effective treatment from the desired location. The doctors prescribe best-suited therapy after watching the medical history of the patient. Different types of treatment methods include,

  • Medical Treatment – experts prescribe effective medication and surgery to cure conductive hear loss. The common cause for this type of ailment is the accumulation of liquid in the middle of the ear or the clogged ear canal. If there is a bacterial infection, doctors prescribe the intake of antibiotics to the patient.
  • Assistive Listening, Hearing Enhancement and Alerting Devices – doctors prescribe these devices with or without the hearing aids. Two types of assistance device are,

1.Signalling or Test Display Devices

2.Assistive Listening Devices

  • Signalling and Text Display Systems – this advanced device transcript the sounds to text or lighting system; it can include warning or signalling systems.
  • Cochlear Implants – this treatment method is prescribed to people having severe problem in hearing. This implantation enhances the listening power, which people cannot achieve with the hearing aids.
  • Rehabilitation Programs - if a person wants to enhance their listening capacity, they can attain audiologic rehabilitation classes and the installation of listening devices.

The sensory organs such as ear and mouth help people to connect to the world. People can reciprocate and analyse the situation in a better manner if they have better-listening capabilities. This sense allows people to engage in group activities and be an active participant at social gatherings.