Wednesday, 17 August 2022

A Few Signs You Might Need a Hearing Loss Test

If you are experiencing symptoms of hearing loss, it's time to take a hearing loss test and find a solution. The earlier you recognize the signs of hearing loss and assess the problem, the sooner you can plan accordingly. The following are some signs that may indicate that a person could be experiencing an issue with their hearing.


In Australia, most people with hearing loss over 40 dB in the better ear can access an audiology test without any out-of-pocket costs. This is called your 'audiology bulk billing' test. Bulk billing means that a person can get their hearing tested and if they are eligible for treatment. So when get checked?

  • One or both ear pain when touched: This is not always common with ear infections, but it does occur as a result of untreated deafness, or earwax buildup. If your eardrum feels like it could pop then this may be an indicator that something more serious is going on.
  • Difficulty hearing speech in noisy environments: When you are outdoors and hear a lot of noise, it may be difficult to distinguish between different conversations, particularly if you move your head a lot.
  • Changed eating habits: Many people with hearing loss have an increased appetite – they may eat more food than they used to eat. Another change that might indicate a hearing problem is craving more sugar or salt during meals.

If you are experiencing any of these symptoms, it might be time to find out if hearing aids can help improve your situation.

Monday, 1 August 2022

Consult Renowned Clinics Conducting Audiology Test to Evaluate Hearing Condition

Trusted clinics offer audiology test to assess hearing problems for all aged people from children to old age. Experts create comfortable environment so patients could discuss their hearing concerns without any hesitation. Hearing tests are evaluated by using an audiogram. Audiogram shows the sounds on a scale and provides information on the hearing threshold level in decibels. Skilled specialists would analyse the reports and provide tailored treatment and hearing aid accessories accordingly.   

Renowned clinics offer custom ear plugs in Melbourne so one could wear hearing instrument according to their comfort. These hearing aids can pick up sounds clearly over the period of time. The instrument can listen to sound frequencies both high and low so one could analyse the situation for reacting. Skilled specialists offer high quality hearing aids consisting of top trusted brands.

Importance of Opting for Audiology Testing:

Verified medical studies reveal that a hearing test will help you to get the hearing aids, treatments and support you need from a professional audiologist to keep you from dangers of hearing loss, being unable to hear things properly.  Hearing tests and proper treatments will improve general living conditions; children can perform better in the school and more.

Professionals have advanced machines and tools to conduct necessary examination for evaluating ear’s condition. Further, they will also provide assessment for work places to ensure employee’s health and safety. They also provide invisible hearing aid that are compact in size and one could feel like they are not wearing one.

One should schedule an appointment with the best clinic in the area if they are planning for audiology tests.