Monday 11 March 2019

Swimmer’s Ear: An Infection Caused When Custom Made Ear Plugs For Swimming Are Not Used

Swimmer’s ear is an infection in the outer ear canal when water remains is ear after swimming, creating a moist environment that could help bacterial growth. Use of good custom made ear plugs for swimming is advised so that water does not enter ear.

In few cases the actual cause of the infection was putting fingers, cotton swabs or other objects in ears, as these items damage the thin layer of skin lining in your ear canal.

Swimmer’s ear is also known as otitis externa. The most common cause of this infection is bacterial infection in the ear canal. This condition is treated with ear drops which help prevent complications and more serious infections. Symptoms of this infection worsen if infection is not treated on time. There are chances that this infection can also spread to other ear. Few mild signs and symptoms are

Itching in ear canal

Slight redness inside your ear

Clear odorless fluid flowing out of ear

Mild discomfort in ear

In the advanced stage, severe pain in neck and head is seen in patients. Complete blockage of ear canal, redness or swelling of outer ear and swelling of lymph node are other symptoms of advanced stage of swimmer’s ear.

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