Monday 24 February 2020

When Should You Get a Hearing Test for Children Done?

It is common to get a routine hearing test for children and newborn babies done. This would help in detecting problems in the early stage. Serious problems are quite rare, but early detection would help in managing them from an early stage.

Hearing and audiology tests are generally carried out soon after birth, which helps in identifying the problem in an early stage. It would also the specialists to understand if the problems in aggravating or understand the change with time. In the absence of regular tests, the problems cannot be detected and undiagnosed for many months or years in rare cases.

It is important that hearing problems should be identified as early as possible, because of the ability to hear plays a crucial role in learning and speaking skills. It also plays a role in language development, social skills and education.

hearing test for children

Early diagnosis would help in providing treatment at the correct stage and improve the condition as well. Experts suggest that treatment can be effective in the early stage. The most common age group and the tests include:

· With few-weeks of birth: This newborn hearing screening test is done mainly soon after birth, and done before the baby and mother leave the hospital after delivery. This routine test is suggested for children, even for a home birth.

· 9 months to 2 and a half years: The parents would be asked the reason why they want their ward to undergo this test, mainly to know the parent’s concern. If the specialist feels that the child is having an issue then the test would be done.

· 4-5 years old: Most children undergo this test when they start school. Few schools conduct these tests, while others can get it done through the audiology department.

If the parent feels that the child is having any problem, they can be checked anytime in between or thereafter as well.

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